Is your family living with germs? Here are 7 ways for you protect your loved ones from infections with the FOLLOW ME Anti-Bacterial Kids Head To Toe Wash!

7 Personal Hygiene Tips For 100% Family Protection

Is your family living with germs? Here are 7 ways for you protect your loved ones from infections with the FOLLOW ME Anti-Bacterial Kids Head To Toe Wash!

The pandemic has reshaped our lifestyle in many ways, depriving us of social gatherings and forcing us to connect through screens. Being kept from playing outside can also affect a child’s mental health as they are natural adventurers and curious learners. Although we are cautiously returning to some sort of normality, the fear of our children contracting the disease is very worrisome.

Discuss with your child on how personal hygiene is now a family mission to protect other family members. Therefore, everyone has a role to play to ensure 100% family protection from illnesses. Try to incorporate a reward system so they’ll be likely to participate and stay motivated.

Here are 7 personal hygiene habits that you can encourage at home:
Bathe regularly

Every time you take a bath, you are removing all germs, dirt and sweat from your body. Try not to let your child skip morning showers as humans sweat while sleeping. Therefore, when they leave for school the next day without taking a shower, you are allowing bacteria to stick onto the sweat from the night before and spread it to others. Ideally, bathe them with the FOLLOW ME Anti-Bacterial Kids Head To Toe Wash that kills 99.9% bacteria, once in the morning, and another one at night.

Trim your nails

Appropriate hand hygiene includes diligently cleaning and trimming fingernails. The nails’ nook and crannies are the perfect spot for germs to grow. Ideally, trim your child’s nails once a week and encourage them to clean their nails every time they wash their hands with FOLLOW ME Anti-Bacterial Kids Hand Wash.

Wash your hands

Regular hand washing is one of the best ways to avoid spreading contractable diseases. For this to work, encourage your child to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds by singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song twice! This gives enough time for the soap to properly lather and trap germs as well as greases on all surfaces of their hands. Use FOLLOW ME Anti-Bacterial Kids Hand Wash to kill 99.9% bacteria, without drying up their skin.

Use a hand sanitizer

When soap and water aren’t available, use a hand sanitizer at school or during playtime. Pack the quick- drying and non-sticky FOLLOW ME Kids Hand Sanitizer together with your child’s school necessities. Teach them to squeeze it onto their palm and rub their hands together until it’s dry after touching things around them!

Proper sneezing technique

Educate your child on the dangers of sneezing openly. Encourage them to cover their mouth and nose with their elbow when they’re about to sneeze and tissues aren’t readily available. This is extremely important to avoid spreading germs as the droplets of liquid containing germs from the nose and mouth will spread into the air, and spread to the people around them. Always remind them to wash their hands immediately with FOLLOW ME Anti-Bacterial Hand Wash after sneezing.

Change to clean clothes

Bacteria are everywhere in the environment and they can easily cling onto clothes, making infection more likely if worn again without washing. To prevent the spread, be sure to change your child into clean clothes and have wash their hands with FOLLOW ME Anti-Bacterial Kids Hand Wash after contact with dirty laundry.

Gargle often

Taking care of your oral and respiratory hygiene is equally important as taking care of your physical hygiene. Gargling with salt water can help to combat early signs of sore throat and minor upper respiratory tract infection. Encourage your loved ones to gargle upon returning home on top of compulsory teeth cleaning after breakfast or before bed.

With the above tips, you can continue to ensure the safety of your children and family without needing to limit their contacts with other people nor their playtime!

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